Category: Monitoring

  • Monitoring – The Challenge of Small Ops – Part 2

    So your building or have built a web service, you’ve got a lot of challenges a head. You’ve got to scale software and keep customers happy. Not surprisingly that likely involves keeping your web service up, and that typically starts by setting up some form of monitoring when something goes wrong. In a large organization…

  • Monitoring Your Customers with Selenium and Nagios

    In a brief conversation with Noah Sussman at DevOps Days, when discussing the challenges of continious deployment for B2B services with SLAs, we got side tracked discussing using Selenium and Nagios in production. A few years back while working for a B2B company that was compensated by an attributable sales, I got on a phone…

  • Good Nagios Parenting, Avoids a Noisey Pager

    Monitoring configuration is complicated, and the depths that you can configure alerts and tests seems endless. It may seem like a waste of time to invest in some options, but others can really help you eliminate states that send hundreds of alerts. Your end goal in your configuration is to narrow down any alert sent…

  • Three Monitoring Tenants

    This week, I was seeing a drop in average back-end performance at work, we had an average drop in page load performance from ~250ms to around 500ms. This seemed to be an intermittent problem and we searched through out graphs at NewRelic with no clear culprit. Then we started looking at our internal MediaWiki profiling…